Monday, August 3, 2009

Well, it has been a few days since I posted, so here goes a short one. After an AMAZING week in the south of Spain relaxing on the beach, swimming, eating, tanning...etc....I have to say I am pretty relaxed and very happy. I was sad to leave as it truly was a special time and one that I will never forget. I can now say I have been horeseback riding in Spain with my favorite person in the world.

After Spain, it was back to London for 2 days, which was also a blast. There is something about walking around the city and getting lost. Total fun. Currently, I am in Nairobi, Kenya and I have to say that though the hotel is nice, I miss the air conditioning. Africa has been everything I expected and more. Traffic is absolutely CRAZY and I even joked that I felt like I was in downtown Bombay in rush hour. The city is sprawling and is blend of modern urban and traditional rural existence. The visuals are taking some time to process...but it might be the jetlag. The people here are beautiful and friendly and anxious to ask about Canada and how cold it is. It is actually quite comfortable in the day here as it is the cold season. I visited the Sheldrick elephant rescue and played with baby elephants....needless to say it was incredible. They are so curious and friendly and, like children, mischeivious (sp?) and often stubborn. Mixed in with the baby elephants were a few black rhinos that passed by to have a look. They are not so friendly and we were warned to stay away.

Following lunch, I visited the Karen Blixen museum, where the film Out of Africa was made. It was based on a real person and she seemed like a remarkable lady. The last excursion was to the giraffe sanctuary to feed the endangered Rothschild giraffe. Hand feeding and petting a giraffe was quite a treat and I managed to get some excellent photos.

Anyway, I am paraphrasing but I am sure if anyone is actually reading this, they are already bored. I am having a great time and I am still trying to wrap my head around my surroundings. Red clay dirt roads, fruit vendors approaching your car, trucks stacked with shit ready to tip over, crazy traffic, pot holes..pot holes....pot holes, mystery meat, slums, cattle grazing in grave yards, etc, etc.....sensory overload!!!

Off to Tanzania tomorrow bright and early. I start the trek up Kili on August 5. Not nervous yet, but I suspect I will be tomorrow. I guess we will see what happens. Oh, and I just had the most amazing hamburger I have ever Kenya, go figure!!



  1. Hi Rene,

    I checked your blog this, it sounds like you are having a fabulous experience!! Good luck with your trek...I'll check back in a few days to see how you did!!

    Take care cuz!!

  2. Sounds amazing Rene!

    Can not wait to see you in person and chat about all your experiences!

    See you soon

  3. had the time of my life with you in spain and was delighted to read i am your "favorite person in the world"...can't get the smile off my face!
    so happy to hear that you are safe and sound...and so PROUD of you for hiking killi!
    can't wait to see you again!
